Smilart API is the set of several API services, which provide necessary functions to use Smilart recognition algorithms when you create your own app.
List of services, which are included into Smilart API:
Person service — person management service, which implements basic operations with persons, such as adding, getting, removing and updating person in Platform database.
Camera service — camera management service, which implements basic operations with added camera in Platform.
Video Content Analytics service — the service provides access to some events which are generated in Platform, such as receiving frames from camera, face detection results, identification result.
Photo Booth service — the service selects the best photos from the camera stream, in order to add them to Platform database to get the best identification results.
Verification service — the service implements verification case.
Instant Photo Analytics service — the service for instant photo analysis.
Adaptive Verification service — the service for adaptive verification.
Platform gets images from connected cameras. Each camera must send stream in one of the supported protocol. Camera can be either physical device or software, which can send data in supported format.
All services share common base of persons that used for face recognition.
Common protocol description
Smilart API uses messages exchange to interact with its clients.
Specification of the transport layer for message exchange is not a part of that specification and SHOULD be defined by concrete implementation of the Smilart API.
Each message is message described in protocol buffer language (protobuf) of version 2.6.
Protobuf Documentation
Adaptive Verification API
Provides opportunities to manage Adaptive Verification (AV) service.
The service provides the way to improve the user experience in verification process by populating person base by sampled photos during their successful verification from cameras and adjustment of verification thresholds.
Side effects on other services
Impact on Person Management service
Being activated, AV service can modify list of person photos (add and delete photos), but it can delete only those photos which were added by this service (sampled photos). This service will not delete any person’s photos, added by another service (e.g. Person Management service).
All sampled photos will be accessible in Person Management service with special flag indicating whether the photo was added (sampled) by AV service or not.
Being deactivated this service does not delete sampled photos. Client can get rid of sampled photos via explicit remove requests at any moment.
Impact on Verification service
Being activated AV service will change thresholds for verification requests and provide additional person photos for verification.
Impact on other services
Other services will not take into account sampled photos and will not change their behavior because of the activity of AV service.
Adaptive Verification service uses Protobuf messages as format for interchange (look for AdaptiveVerification.proto
Service name: api-av-service
Version: 1.0.
Content type of messages: application/vnd.com.smilart/api.av.service/protobuf
Each request must be sent as RequestEnvelope
message with request
field set properly.
Each response is sent as ResponseEnvelope
message with response
field set according to request.
Defines envelope request messages from client.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
get_config |
optional |
Request to get the service configuration. |
set_config |
optional |
Request to install the service configuration. |
remove_all_photos |
optional |
Request to remove all sampled photos. |
remove_photos_by_person |
optional |
Request to remove all sampled photos of the person. |
remove_photos_by_camera |
optional |
Request to remove all sampled photos from the camera for every person. |
Defines envelope response messages from service.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
malformed_protobuf |
optional |
Protobuf in request was considered malformed. |
get_config |
optional |
Response to |
set_config |
optional |
Response to |
remove_all_photos |
optional |
Response to |
remove_photos_by_person |
optional |
Response to |
remove_photos_by_camera |
optional |
Response to |
Send protobuf message was considered malformed.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
message |
required |
Readable details of that decision. |
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
Response to the request to get the service configuration.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
config_provided |
optional |
Service configuration was provided. |
Service configuration was provided.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
config |
required |
Service configuration. |
Defines messages for installation a new service configuration.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
config |
required |
Response to request to install a new service configuration.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
config_installed |
optional |
Config was installed. |
New service configuration was installed.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
config |
required |
Actual configuration of the service. |
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
Response to request to remove all sampled photos.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
photos_removed |
optional |
Sampled photos were removed or did not exist. |
Sampled photos were removed or did not exist.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
person_id |
required |
Identifier of the person which sampled photos should be removed. |
Response to request to remove all sampled photos of the specified person.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
photos_removed |
optional |
Sampled photos were removed or did not exist. |
Sampled photos of the person were removed or did not exist.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
Defines messages for remove all sampled photos from the specified camera for every person.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
camera_pid |
required |
Response to request to remove all sampled photos from the specified camera for every person.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
photos_removed |
optional |
Sampled photos were removed or did not exist. |
Sampled photos from camera for every person were removed or did not exist.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
Camera Management API
Provides opportunities to work with cameras.
Camera Management service uses Protobuf messages as format for interchange (look for CameraManagement.proto
Service name: api-cameras-service
Version: 1.1.
Content type of messages: application/vnd.com.smilart/api.camera.service/protobuf
Each request must be sent as RequestEnvelope
message with request
field set properly.
Each response is sent as ResponseEnvelope
message with response
field set according to request.
Defines envelope request messages from client.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
list_cameras |
optional |
Request to list cameras. |
get_camera_mjpeg_stream_url |
optional |
Request to get camera MJPEG stream url. |
Defines envelope response messages from service.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
list_cameras |
optional |
Response to |
malformed_protobuf |
optional |
Protobuf in request was considered malformed. |
get_camera_mjpeg_stream_url |
optional |
Response to |
Send protobuf message was considered malformed.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
message |
required |
Readable details of that decision. |
Represents camera’s instance in the system.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
pid |
required |
PID (persistent identifier) of the camera. |
type |
optional |
Information about camera’s type. |
status |
optional |
Extended information about camera. |
Status of the specified camera.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
active |
optional |
Was camera activated (started), typically intentionally by system administrator, in the system. |
running |
optional |
True if camera frames are available for processing, otherwise false. |
Defines messages of the retrieving available cameras protocol in the system.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
Response to list of available cameras request.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
cameras_provided |
optional |
Cameras was provided. |
Information about cameras was provided.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
cameras |
repeated |
List of available cameras. |
Defines messages of the camera MJPEG stream URL retrieving protocol.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
Request for get camera stream URL.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
pid |
required |
Identifier of a camera. |
max_fps |
optional |
Limit FPS stream from camera (0 means no limit). |
resolution |
optional |
Size of frames from camera.Picture from the camera will be scaled to fit built-in dimensions.It converts so that the proportions do not change and do not become larger. |
Response to get camera stream URL request.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
stream_url |
optional |
Camera stream URL received. |
camera_not_found |
optional |
Camera was not found. |
camera_not_active |
optional |
Camera was not active. |
URL could not be provided due to unavailability of the specified camera.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
URL could not be provided due to inactivity of the specified camera.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
Defines resolutions of the frames.
Name |
Number |
Description |
1 |
Original frame size (provided by the camera). |
2 |
Small frame size (Provided by the server, default is 320×240). |
3 |
Medium frame size (Provided by the server, default is 800×600). |
4 |
Large frame size (Provided by the server, default is 1400×1050). |
Instant Photo Analytics API
Provides capability to analyze an image and generate analysis report.
Instant Photo Analytics (IPA) service uses Protobuf messages as format for interchange (look for ipa.proto file).
Service name: api-ipa-service
Version: 1.0.
Content type of messages: application/vnd.com.smilart/api.ipa.service/protobuf
Each request must be sent as RequestEnvelope
message with request
field set properly.
Each response is sent as ResponseEnvelope
message with response
field set according to request.
Defines envelope request messages from client.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
analyze_image |
optional |
Request to |
Defines envelope response messages from the service.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
analyze_image |
optional |
Response to |
Send protobuf message was considered malformed.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
message |
required |
Readable details of that decision. |
Options of face detects.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
detect_report_options |
optional |
If isn’t set, face detection report will be excluded from analysis report. |
max_faces |
optional |
Maximal number of faces to search for (default is 1000000). |
Face detect report options.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
add_face_cut |
optional |
Being set true adds face cutting into detect report. |
Face correlation options with person base.
Correlations are primarily debugging information that can be completely correct interpreted only by the vendor’s specialists and reflects the features of the currently used face recognition algorithm that may change in the future. Therefore, you SHOULD NOT make any conclusions based on the received coefficients, except for getting the top of the most similar persons in the database according to the current face recognition algorithm. |
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
correlation_report_options |
optional |
If isn’t set, correlation results will be excluded from analysis report. |
Correlation report options.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
max_persons |
optional |
Maximal number of persons to be added to correlation report (default is 1). |
Person identification options.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
identification_report_options |
optional |
If isn’t set, identification report will be excluded from analysis report. |
Identification report options.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
Request for image analysis: find faces on image, correlate found faces with base, list identified persons on image.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
image |
required |
Image for analysis. |
detect_options |
optional |
Defines face detection options.If isn’t set, face detection will use default values from |
correlation_options |
optional |
Defines correlation options.If isn’t set, will use default values from |
identification_options |
optional |
Defines identification options.If isn’t set, identification step will be omitted. |
Response to AnalyzePhoto
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
image_analyzed |
optional |
Image was analyzed. |
unsupported_image_type |
optional |
Image was not analyzed due to the presence of images with unsupported type. |
payload_is_too_large |
optional |
Image was not analyzed due to excess of payload limits. |
unsupported_input_source |
optional |
Image was not analyzed due to the presence of images with unsupported source. |
request_timeout |
optional |
Image was not analyzed due to exceeding execution time limit. |
too_many_requests |
optional |
Image was not analyzed by the service due to overload by incoming requests. |
Image was analyzed.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
faces |
repeated |
List of detected faces sorted by face size in descending order. |
Service implementation can’t process images due to the presence of images with unsupported by the service implementation format of images.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
Service implementation can’t process images due to the presence of images with unsupported by the service implementation type of source.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
type |
repeated |
Type of source that can’t be processed. |
Payload of images is too large for processing.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
actual_size |
required |
Received payload in bytes. |
maximum_size |
required |
Maximum acceptable size of payload in bytes by the service implementation. |
Request processing exceeds execution time limit.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
Service received too many requests for processing.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
Detected face on image.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
detect |
optional |
Face detection report. |
correlation |
optional |
Face correlation report. |
identification |
optional |
Person identification report. |
Source of some payload.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
binary |
optional |
Payload was already provided in its binary representation. |
url |
optional |
Payload can be obtained by means of protocol-dependent methods of retrieving resource by its URL. |
Represents abstract image which sent by client to the service.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
source |
required |
Source of the image. |
Face has been correlated to the persons' photos from base.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
correlations |
repeated |
List of face correlations with most similar persons sorted in descending order of similarity. |
Person was identified on image.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
identified_correlation |
optional |
Info about correlation between face from image and photo of the identified person.May be missing if person was not identified. |
threshold |
required |
Current threshold of identification. |
Correlation of certain original face with person’s photo from base.
Correlations are primarily debugging information that can be completely correct interpreted only by the vendor’s specialists and reflects the features of the currently used face recognition algorithm that may change in the future. Therefore, you SHOULD NOT make any conclusions based on the received coefficients, except for getting the top of the most similar persons in the database according to the current face recognition algorithm. |
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
person_id |
required |
Identifier of person which face was correlated with original photo. |
photo_id |
required |
Identifier of person’s photo that fits best. |
correlation |
required |
Measure of similarity between original face and person’s photo from base. |
Face. Specifies original image as bounded context for inner structures. Specifies coordinate system in original image with origin that is placed in left top corner of original image. Specifies pixel as measuring unit in original image.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
face_coords |
required |
Face coordinates in original image. |
cut |
optional |
Face cut from original image. |
Face cut in some bounded context. Specifies cutted image as bounded context for inner structures. Specifies coordinate system inside cutted image with origin that is placed in left top corner of original image. Specifies pixel as measuring unit in cutted image.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
image |
required |
Image of face cut.Provided graphics file format intentionally is not part of that specification and SHOULD be specified by the vendor implementation. |
face_coords |
required |
Face coordinates on face cut. |
Coordinates of face elements in some bounded context.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
quad |
required |
Bounded quad where face is located. |
eyes |
optional |
Eye corner coordinates. |
Coordinates of outer (relative to the center of subject’s face) corners of subject’s eyes in some bounded context.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
left |
required |
Outer corner of left subject’s eye. |
right |
required |
Outer corner of right subject’s eye. |
Coordinates of quad in some bounded context. Specifies quad as new bounded context for inner structures. Specifies coordinate system inside quad with origin that is placed in its left top corner, x-axis oriented to the top right point, y-axis oriented to the bottom left point. Specifies pixel as measuring unit in quad.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
top_left |
required |
Top left point of quad in some bounded context. |
top_right |
required |
Top right point of quad in some bounded context. |
bottom_right |
required |
Bottom right point of quad in some bounded context. |
bottom_left |
required |
Bottom left point of quad in some bounded context. |
2D geometry point. Coordinate system and measuring unit often provided by some bounded context.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
x |
required |
X-coordinate of point in measuring units. |
y |
required |
Y-coordinate of point in measuring units. |
Defined types of payload.
Name |
Number |
Description |
1 |
Payload can be obtained in its binary representation. |
2 |
Payload can be obtained by means of protocol-dependent methods of retrieving resource by its URL. |
License Management API
Provides opportunities to manage License (LM) service.
The service provides the following features to automate the process of license management of the system:
Get the server fingerprint, which must be transferred to the vendor to obtain a license.
Try to install an obtained license and store it on the server if the DRM (Digital Rights Management) subsystem allows the system to function under this license: has a valid signature, not expired, suitable for the current installed product, etc..
Request information about the stored license or get its raw version (for example, to backup it).
Stored license can be retrieved from the server, but may be neither readable no suitable by the implementation in case of some internal changes on the server (hardware changes, different product installation etc.).
A server can store no more than one license at a time. Successful license installation overwrites the stored version.
License Management service uses Protobuf messages as format for interchange (look for LicenseManagement.proto
Service name: api-lm-service
Version: 1.0.
Content type of messages: application/vnd.com.smilart/api.lm.service/protobuf
Each request must be sent as RequestEnvelope
message with request
field set properly.
Each response is sent as ResponseEnvelope
message with response
field set according to request.
Defines envelope request messages from client.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
get_stored_license |
optional |
Request to get the raw content of the stored license. |
get_license_info |
optional |
Request to get the installed product license information. |
get_server_fingerprint |
optional |
Request to get a server fingerprint. |
set_license |
optional |
Request to install a new license. |
Defines envelope response messages from service.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
malformed_protobuf |
optional |
Protobuf in request was considered malformed. |
get_stored_license |
optional |
Response to |
get_license_info |
optional |
Response to |
get_server_fingerprint |
optional |
Response to |
set_license |
optional |
Response to |
Send protobuf message was considered malformed.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
message |
required |
Readable details of that decision. |
Defines messages of the retrieving raw content of the current license.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
Response to the request to get the raw content of the current license.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
license_content_provided |
optional |
Stored license was provided. |
raw_license_is_missing |
optional |
Stored license was not provided due to its absence on the server. |
Raw license content was provided.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
raw_license |
required |
Raw content of the license. |
There is no stored license on the server.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
Defines messages of the retrieving installed product license information.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
Response to the request to get the installed product license information.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
license_info_provided |
optional |
Stored license was successfully parsed and license information can be provided. |
license_is_missing |
optional |
Product license information cannot be provided due to absence of a stored license on the server. |
unknown_license_format |
optional |
Product license information cannot be provided due to the inability to correctly parse the saved license. |
Product license information was provided.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
license_info |
required |
Product license information. |
There is no stored license on the server.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
License information cannot be correctly parsed.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
Defines messages of the retrieving a server fingerprint required to obtain a license.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
Response to the request to get the server fingerprint.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
server_fingerprint_provided |
optional |
Server fingerprint was provided. |
Server fingerprint was provided.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
server_fingerprint |
required |
Opaque byte array as server fingerprint. |
Defines messages for installation a new product license. By default, license will be accepted only if the license allows the current installed product to operates at the moment:
License is in its activity time interval. License is suitable for this server.
These assertions could be bypassed with optional request parameters.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
A request option which tests a license but in the case of passing all the supposed checks license would not be installed on the server. Response will be the same as without this option.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
A request option which bypasses a license activity time interval check if the license activity period has not begun and has not expired.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
raw_license |
required |
Raw version of a new license. |
dry_run |
optional |
If present, license would NOT really installed on the server. Use it to check a license applicability to the server. |
allow_activation_in_future |
optional |
If present, bypass license activity time interval check. |
Response to request to install a new product license.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
license_installed |
optional |
License was installed and will be stored on the server. |
bad_license |
optional |
The license was not installed due to the fact that some not bypassed checks have not passed. |
unknown_license_format |
optional |
License was not installed due to the inability to correctly parse the license file. |
New product license was installed.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
license_info |
required |
Product license information. |
The license was not installed due to the fact that some not bypassed checks have not passed.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
license_info |
required |
Product license information. |
The license information cannot be correctly parsed.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
Raw license content.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
content |
required |
Opaque byte array as license content. |
Information about product license.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
activation_date |
optional |
License activation date in ms. If absent, then the license is not limited in time. |
license_period_days |
optional |
The number of days that the license will work from the activation date (include activation date). If absent, then the license is timeless. |
license_product |
required |
License product name. |
serial_number |
required |
License Serial Number. |
checks |
required |
License checks. |
License checks. The presence of some not passed checks denotes the system in a non operability state.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
passed |
required |
It is an aggregate value for all checks. True if all checks are passed. |
product_check |
required |
Information about the correspondence of the product name from the license and the installed product name. |
activity_time_interval_check |
optional |
Information about correspondence of the current server time and license activity time interval. If present, the license may be inactive at some moment according to licensing scheme. |
fingerprint_check |
optional |
Information about the correspondence of the server fingerprint to the server fingerprint in the license. |
Information about the correspondence of the product name from the license and the installed product name.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
passed |
required |
True, if the product name from the license and the installed product name match. Otherwise false. |
server_product |
required |
Name of the installed product. |
Information about correspondence of the current server time and license activity time interval.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
passed |
required |
True, if at the time of the request the server time is in license activity period. Otherwise false. |
server_date |
required |
Date on the server in ms. |
Information about the correspondence of the server fingerprint to the server fingerprint in the license.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
passed |
required |
True, if server fingerprints match. Otherwise false. |
Person Management API
The service provides functionality for manipulating base of persons.
ACID properties of storage intentionally are not part of that specification. Their description SHOULD be provided by the vendor implementation. |
Person Management service uses Protobuf messages as format for interchange (look for PersonManagement.proto
Service name: api-persons-service
Version: 1.4.
Content type of messages: application/vnd.com.smilart/api.person.service/protobuf
Each request must be sent as RequestEnvelope
message with request
field set properly.
Each response is sent as ResponseEnvelope
message with response
field set according to request.
Defines envelope request messages from client.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
add_person |
optional |
Request to add person. |
get_person |
optional |
Request to get person. |
remove_persons |
optional |
Request to remove persons. |
keep_persons |
optional |
Request to keep persons. |
update_person |
optional |
Request to update person. |
list_person_ids |
optional |
Request to list identifiers of persons. |
Defines envelope response messages from the service.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
add_person |
optional |
Response to |
get_person |
optional |
Response to |
remove_persons |
optional |
Response to |
keep_persons |
optional |
Response to |
update_person |
optional |
Response to |
malformed_protobuf |
optional |
Protobuf in request was considered malformed. |
list_person_ids |
optional |
Response to |
Send protobuf message was considered malformed.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
message |
required |
Readable details of that decision. |
Option of request which force to return response the same as without that option but NOT ADD person to database
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
Request for add person to the base.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
images |
repeated |
List of images desirable associated with a person. |
on_multiple_faces |
optional |
Strategy for handling multiple faces on images (default is ON_MULTIPLE_FACES_TAKE_LARGEST). |
on_no_faces |
optional |
Strategy for handling absence of faces on images (default is ON_NO_FACES_SKIP). |
id |
optional |
Identifier of person that would be created.Provides capability to set identifier of the person on client side. If not set — it will be generated on server side.Non empty string. Max length is 50. ASCII symbols with codes [32, 126]. Should be unique.ATTENTION!It SHOULDN’T be a place to store any security critical info or personal, private information of the person.It SHOULD be a place to store "foreign key" (GUID, for example) or other relational information to bind person entity from recognition base with client base. |
dry_run |
optional |
If set: person would NOT really added to database.If this option set: user provided 'Identifier of person' would not be checked on duplicate.Except mentioned facts, response is independent of this option. |
Response to AddPerson
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
person_added |
optional |
Person was added. |
unsupported_image_type |
optional |
Person was not added due to the presence of images with unsupported type. |
aborted |
optional |
Person was not added due to abort triggered by selected strategies of processing. |
payload_is_too_large |
optional |
Person was not added due to excess of payload limits. |
unsupported_input_source |
optional |
Person was not added due to the presence of images with unsupported source. |
duplicate_id |
optional |
Person was not added due to presence of the person with the same id. |
person_id_mismatch |
optional |
Person was not added due to non-compliance with the requirements for the person’s identifier format. |
photo_id_uniqueness_violation |
optional |
Person was not added due to presence of the no unique identifiers of photos in request. |
photo_id_format_violation |
optional |
Person was not added due to non-compliance by one of |
The person was successfully added.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
person |
required |
Added person. |
Service implementation can’t process images due to the presence of images with unsupported by the service implementation format of images.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
image_ids |
repeated |
Ids of uploaded images of unsupported type. |
Service implementation can’t process images due to the presence of images with unsupported by the service implementation type of source.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
type |
repeated |
Type of source that can’t be processed. |
Process was aborted by strategies of processing images.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
multiple_faces_image_ids |
repeated |
Ids of uploaded images with multiple faces. |
no_faces_image_ids |
repeated |
Ids of uploaded images with no faces. |
Payload of images is too large for processing.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
actual_size |
required |
Received payload in bytes. |
maximum_size |
required |
Maximum acceptable size of payload in bytes by the service implementation. |
Person with specified id already exists.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
Provided identifier of the person doesn’t meet the requirements of the format.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
message |
required |
Human-readable description of mismatch. |
Violation of uniqueness of the photo identifier of the person.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
ids |
repeated |
List of non unique identifiers of photos. |
Provided identifier of the photo doesn’t meet the requirements of the format.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
message |
required |
Human-readable description of format violation. |
Request for retrieving person from the service.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
person_id |
required |
Identifier of the requested person. |
Response to GetPerson
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
person_found |
optional |
Person was found. |
person_not_found |
optional |
Person was not found. |
Person was found and provided.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
person |
required |
Person state from base. |
Person was not found in base.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
person_id |
required |
Identifier of the requested person. |
Request for removing persons from base.
If specified person doesn’t exist, then it won’t influence on set of removing persons.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
person_ids |
repeated |
Identifiers of the persons, which client wants to remove. |
Response to RemovePersons
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
persons_removed |
optional |
Persons were removed. |
Persons were removed.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
failed_to_remove_ids |
repeated |
Identifiers of persons, which was not removed and still present in base after request was processed. |
Request for removal of all persons, except specified from base.
If empty list is specified, then all persons in base will be removed.
All non-existent persons in base won’t influence on set of removing persons.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
person_ids |
repeated |
Identifiers of persons which client want to keep. |
Response to KeepPersons
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
persons_kept |
optional |
Persons were kept. |
Persons were kept in base.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
failed_to_keep_person_ids |
repeated |
List of person identifiers absent in base. |
removed_count |
required |
Amount of persons which was deleted in base. |
failed_to_remove_count |
required |
Amount of persons which identifiers are absent in request but still present in base after request was processed. |
Request for update list of photos of the specified person in base.
At first it keeps only photos from keep_photo_ids
and then adds new photos from add_photos
Maximum total size of images per request is limited by the server.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
person_id |
required |
Identifier of the person to update. |
add_photos |
repeated |
Images which will be added to the person. |
keep_photo_ids |
repeated |
Identifier of the photos to keep.If empty list is specified, then all photos of the person will be removed.All non-existent photos in base won’t influence on set of removing photos. |
on_multiple_faces |
optional |
Strategy for handling multiple faces on images (default is ON_MULTIPLE_FACES_TAKE_LARGEST). |
on_no_faces |
optional |
Strategy for handling absence of faces on images (default is ON_NO_FACES_SKIP). |
Response to UpdatePerson
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
person_updated |
optional |
Person was updated. |
person_not_found |
optional |
Person was not found. |
unsupported_image_type |
optional |
Person was not updated due to the presence of images with unsupported type. |
aborted |
optional |
Person was not updated due to abort triggered by selected strategies of processing. |
payload_is_too_large |
optional |
Person was not updated due to excess of payload limits. |
unsupported_input_source |
optional |
Person was not updated due to the presence of images with unsupported source. |
photo_id_uniqueness_violation |
optional |
Person was not updated due to non-compliance of uniqueness of photo identifiers for the person. |
photo_id_format_violation |
optional |
Person was not added due to non-compliance by one of |
Person was successfully updated.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
person |
required |
Person state after update. |
Requested person to update wasn’t found.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
person_id |
required |
Identifier of the person which wasn’t found. |
Service implementation can’t process images due to the presence of images with unsupported by the service implementation format of images.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
image_ids |
repeated |
Identifiers of uploaded images of unsupported type. |
Service implementation can’t process images due to the presence of images with unsupported by the service implementation type of source.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
type |
repeated |
Source which isn’t supported. |
Process was aborted by strategies of processing images.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
multiple_faces_image_ids |
repeated |
Identifiers of uploaded image with multiple faces. |
no_faces_image_ids |
repeated |
Identifiers of uploaded images with no faces. |
Payload of images is too large for processing.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
actual_size |
required |
Received payload in bytes. |
maximum_size |
required |
Maximum acceptable size of payload in bytes by the service implementation. |
Violation of uniqueness of the photo identifier of the person.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
ids |
repeated |
List of non unique identifiers of photos. |
Provided identifier of the photo doesn’t meet the requirements of the format.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
message |
required |
Human-readable description of format violation. |
Defines messages of the list identifiers of persons protocol.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
Request for list identifiers of persons in base.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
offset |
optional |
Option to offset over the specified number of identifiers.If offset is absent or zero then person identifiers list starts from the beginning.Otherwise it starts from offset. |
limit |
optional |
Option to limit the number of identifiers.if limit is a positive number then person identifiers list contains at most limit of identifiers.If limit is absent or zero then returns full list of person identifiers. |
filter_by_person_id_substring |
optional |
Option for filtering the list of persons by substring in the person identifier.Case insensitive. If option is empty or is an empty string - this filter will not be applied. |
Response to ListPersonIds
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
person_ids_listed |
optional |
Identifiers of persons were listed. |
negative_limit |
optional |
Identifiers of persons were not listed due to negative limit was provided. |
negative_offset |
optional |
Identifiers of persons were not listed due to negative offset was provided. |
Identifiers of persons were listed.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
person_ids |
repeated |
Identifiers of persons from base. |
number_of_persons |
optional |
Number of persons in base. |
Limit cannot be a negative number.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
Offset cannot be a negative number.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
Source of some payload.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
binary |
optional |
Payload was already provided in its binary representation. |
url |
optional |
Payload can be obtained by means of protocol-dependent methods of retrieving resource by its URL. |
Represents abstract image which sent by client to the service.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
id |
required |
Identifier of image. |
source |
required |
Source of the image. |
photo_id |
optional |
Identifier of photo that would be created.Provides capability to set identifier of the photo created by this image on client side. If not set — it will be generated on server side.Non empty string. Max length is 50. ASCII symbols with codes [32, 126]. Should be unique for the person. |
Represents person’s photo which sent by the service to the client. Person service can dynamically select source type for photos at its discretion, and a client should be ready to retrieve photos of all types. Provided graphics file format intentionally is not part of that specification and SHOULD be specified by the vendor implementation.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
id |
required |
Identifier of photo. Unique for the person. |
source |
required |
Source of photo. |
creation_time |
optional |
Photo creation time in ms. |
auto_sampled |
optional |
True if this photo was sampled by Adaptive Verification service during self-learning process, other false. |
Person entity.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
id |
required |
Identifier of the person in base. |
photos |
repeated |
Photos of the person. |
creation_time |
optional |
Person creation time in ms. |
modification_time |
optional |
Last person modification time in ms. It is updated on every modification of any person field, include initial person creation moment. |
Defines strategy how to process images with more than one face found.
Name |
Number |
Description |
1 |
The largest face from the image will be added to a person. |
2 |
No faces from the image will be added to a person. |
3 |
Abort processing when image with more than one faces found. |
Defines strategy how to process images without faces.
Name |
Number |
Description |
1 |
Skip image without faces. |
2 |
Abort processing if image without faces found. |
Defines strategy how to process images with more than one face found.
Name |
Number |
Description |
1 |
The largest face from the image will be added to a person. |
2 |
No faces from the image will be added to a person. |
3 |
Abort processing when image with more than one faces found. |
Defines strategy how to process images without faces.
Name |
Number |
Description |
1 |
Skip image without faces. |
2 |
Abort processing if image without faces found. |
Defined types of payload.
Name |
Number |
Description |
1 |
Payload can be obtained in its binary representation. |
2 |
Payload can be obtained by means of protocol-dependent methods of retrieving resource by its URL. |
Photo Booth API
The service provides the way to get optimal set of faces of person who stands front of the camera to enroll the person using these photos.
There are several steps to get the set of faces:
The person who should be enrolled stands front of the camera.
The process of building the set of faces starts with message
. -
The person moving his or her head in different positions provides to the service different images of his or her face.
The service takes the images depending on sampler scheme.
When all necessary images have collected, the service stops the sampling process and creates the optimal set of faces, which will return from the service.
Photo Booth service uses Protobuf messages as format for interchange (look for PhotoBooth.proto
Service name: api-photo-booth-service
Version: 3.0.
Content type of messages: application/vnd.com.smilart/api.photo-booth.service/protobuf
Each request must be sent as RequestEnvelope
message with request
field set properly.
Each response is sent as ResponseEnvelope
message with response
field set according to request.
Each event is sent as EventEnvelope
message with event
field set according to type of event.
Defines envelope request messages from client.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
start |
optional |
Request to start sampling process. |
terminate |
optional |
Request to terminate sampling process. |
Send protobuf message was considered malformed.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
message |
required |
Readable details of that decision. |
Defines envelope response messages from service.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
start |
optional |
Response to |
terminate |
optional |
Response to |
malformed_protobuf |
optional |
Protobuf in request was considered malformed. |
Defines envelope event messages.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
frame |
optional |
The frame from camera has been processed. |
detect |
optional |
The face was detected on frame. |
progress |
optional |
Sampling process has been progress. |
failure |
optional |
Failure occurred during sampling process. |
completed |
optional |
Sampling process was successfully finished. |
partial_completed |
optional |
Sampling process was finished with partial success. |
Defines messages of the faces sampling start protocol from the camera.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
Request for the start sampling process from specified camera.
The request returns parameters, which will use to collect images from the camera defined by camera_pid
and starts streams of required events.
The returned stream contains the events of particular kind if options field for event of this kind is set in request.
Each process have a unique identifier process_descriptor
. All events relate to this process have the same identifier.
The process of collecting images from the camera to create a set of optimal faces may have time restriction. It depends on service configuration.
Sampling scheme is set by the service and returned to the client in the reply, if process runs successfully.
Receiving events
The events are sent by the server according to specified destination.
Serialization guarantees
All events about new frame arrival are sent exactly in the same order as frames arrive.
All events about further processing of a frame are sent in the order processing happens.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
camera_pid |
required |
Camera identifier to receive events from. |
frame_options |
optional |
Defines the content of event sent when new frame is about to be processed.If isn’t set, no such events will be sent. |
detect_options |
optional |
Defines the content of event sent when face is found on a frame.If isn’t set, no such events will be sent. |
progress_options |
optional |
Defines the content of event sent when appearance of that face led to improvement of quality of selected faces.If isn’t set, no such events will be sent. |
destination |
required |
Defines the destination, where events SHOULD be sent by the service.Destination definition protocol SHOULD be provided by the vendor implementation. |
Response to start sampling request.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
started |
optional |
Sampling process was started. |
no_camera |
optional |
Camera was not found. |
already_started |
optional |
New sampling process from specified camera can’t be started due to presence of already running another samplingprocess from that camera. |
unsupported_destination |
optional |
Requested destination is not supported by the vendor implementation. |
Successful start of the process of face selection. Sampling process is finished, when area of interest is full. Area of interest is considered full, if each named group included in it is full. A group of head pose is considered full, if it’s collected enough detects where face relates to the group. Implementation of the service reserves the right to define strategy of group of head pose progress estimation.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
time_limit_seconds |
optional |
Time restriction to catch faces from the camera. Absence or zero means no time restriction. |
process_descriptor |
required |
Descriptor of the running process. |
scheme |
required |
Sampler scheme of running process. |
Process collecting faces from camera_pid
have been already running.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
Service doesn’t support the specified destination. Look the vendor implementation documentation for details.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
description |
required |
A helpful description of the reason for rejection. |
Request to terminate the process of collecting faces. The message is idempotent. If the process is running or the process doesn’t exist, the result will be the same. And repeated request doesn’t influence the system.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
process_descriptor |
required |
Descriptor of the process, which should be terminate. |
Response to terminate request.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
terminated |
optional |
Specified sampling process has been terminated or it was not among active processes. |
Process was terminated.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
process_descriptor |
required |
Process descriptor from the process. |
A new frame has been received from the camera identified as camera_pid
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
id |
required |
Identifier of |
timestamp_ms |
optional |
The time when frame was received from camera in milliseconds.It can differ from the time frame was acquired by the camera.Corresponds to the server time and can be compared to other server time only. |
camera_pid |
required |
Identifier of the camera acquired the frame. |
image |
required |
Image of the frame.PhotoBooth service can dynamically select source type for images at its discretion, and a client should be ready to retrieve images of all types.Provided graphics file format intentionally is not part of that specification and SHOULD be specified by the vendor implementation. |
meta |
repeated |
Additional information about the frame. Is not specified at the time. |
process_descriptor |
required |
Descriptor of process, where the event was generated. |
Face has been found on frame identified as frame_id
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
id |
required |
Identifier of |
timestamp_ms |
optional |
Server generated timestamp of event.Corresponds to the server time and can be compared to other server time only. |
frame_id |
required |
Identifier of the frame detect was made on. |
face |
optional |
Face details. |
head_pose |
optional |
Head pose on detect. |
process_descriptor |
required |
Descriptor of process, where the event was generated. |
The set of collected head pose was changed.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
id |
required |
Identifier of |
timestamp_ms |
optional |
Server generated timestamp of event.Corresponds to the server time and can be compared to other server time only. |
progress_percentage |
required |
Percent of progress in collecting of faces. Can be changed from 0 to 1. |
statistics |
optional |
Statistics of head poses, which was collected. |
process_descriptor |
required |
Descriptor of process where the event was generated. |
The message informs that the process completed and returns the optimal set of faces, which was gotten.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
photos |
required |
The set of optimal images. |
process_descriptor |
required |
Descriptor of process, where the even was generated. |
timestamp_ms |
optional |
The time when the process was completed in milliseconds.Corresponds to the server time and can be compared to other server time only. |
Process was interrupted and returns the best result from the collected faces.
If these photos are used, then the result of identification service might be worse, than if the photos would be gotten from Completed
It’s recommended to use this photo just if you don’t have another way.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
progress_percentage |
required |
Percent of progress, when the process was stopped. |
photos |
required |
The set of optimal photos. |
process_descriptor |
required |
Descriptor of process, where the event was generated. |
time_limit_exceeded |
optional |
The cause of partially completed was stop due to exceeding time limit. |
terminated |
optional |
The cause of partially completed was stop due to terminate request. |
timestamp_ms |
optional |
Server generated timestamp of event.Corresponds to the server time and can be compared to other server time only. |
The message informs about error, because the process was stopped and it’s impossible to get a result.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
message |
required |
human-readable error message. |
process_descriptor |
required |
Descriptor of process where the event was generated. |
timestamp_ms |
optional |
Server generated timestamp of event.Corresponds to the server time and can be compared to other server time only. |
Options of face detects.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
add_head_pose |
optional |
Being set true adds information about head poses into detect event. |
add_face |
optional |
Being set true adds information about face into detect event. |
Options of process notifications.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
add_head_pose_statistics |
optional |
Being set true adds statistics about collected head poses into progress event. |
The service can be configured to use different sampler schemes of head pose.The scheme,
which is used by the service, is returned in a reply to the request Request.Start
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
grid3x3 |
optional |
Grid 3x3 will be used for sampling. |
Some set of the named groups might form area of interest. The service can be configured to work with following area of interest.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
area_of_interest |
required |
Area of interest, which is used by the service, is returned in reply on the request |
Selected photos by the service.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
photos |
repeated |
List of photos with its binary content. |
Information about head pose.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
position |
optional |
Named position of head from the used scheme. |
2D geometry point. Coordinate system and measuring unit often provided by some bounded context.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
x |
required |
X-coordinate of point in measuring units. |
y |
required |
Y-coordinate of point in measuring units. |
Coordinates of quad in some bounded context. Specifies quad as new bounded context for inner structures. Specifies coordinate system inside quad with origin that is placed in its left top corner, x-axis oriented to the top right point, y-axis oriented to the bottom left point. Specifies pixel as measuring unit in quad.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
top_left |
required |
Top left point of quad in some bounded context. |
top_right |
required |
Top right point of quad in some bounded context. |
bottom_right |
required |
Bottom right point of quad in some bounded context. |
bottom_left |
required |
Bottom left point of quad in some bounded context. |
Coordinates of outer (relative to the center of subject’s face) corners of subject’s eyes in some bounded context.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
left |
required |
Outer corner of left subject’s eye. |
right |
required |
Outer corner of right subject’s eye. |
Coordinates of face elements in some bounded context.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
quad |
required |
Bounded quad where face is located. |
eyes |
optional |
Eye corner coordinates. |
Face cut in some bounded context. Specifies cutted image as bounded context for inner structures. Specifies coordinate system inside cutted image with origin that is placed in left top corner of original image. Specifies pixel as measuring unit in cutted image.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
image |
required |
Image of face cut.PhotoBooth service can dynamically select source type for images at its discretion, and a client should be ready to retrieve images of all types.Provided graphics file format intentionally is not part of that specification and SHOULD be specified by the vendor implementation. |
face_coords |
required |
Face coordinates on face cut. |
Face. Specifies original image as bounded context for inner structures. Specifies coordinate system in original image with origin that is placed in left top corner of original image. Specifies pixel as measuring unit in original image.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
face_coords |
required |
Face coordinates in original image. |
cut |
optional |
Face cut from original image. |
Statistics head poses collected from start of process.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
per_pose_statistics |
repeated |
list of element of head pose statistic.Must contain information just about no empty named group of head pose. |
Statistics head poses grouped by named positions.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
named_position |
required |
Named group position of the head. |
collected_percentage |
required |
Percent of collected detects for this named group. |
Storage of single key-value pair.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
name |
required |
Key of entry. |
value |
required |
Value of entry. |
Source of some payload.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
binary |
optional |
Payload was already provided in its binary representation. |
url |
optional |
Payload can be obtained by means of protocol-dependent methods of retrieving resource by its URL. |
Name |
Number |
Description |
1 |
Contains following named poses: |
2 |
Contains following named poses: |
3 |
Contains following named poses: |
4 |
Contains following named poses: |
Defined types of payload.
Name |
Number |
Description |
1 |
Payload can be obtained in its binary representation. |
2 |
Payload can be obtained by means of protocol-dependent methods of retrieving resource by its URL. |
Defines recognizing poses of the head.
Name |
Number |
Description |
1 |
Left direct pose. |
2 |
Left top pose. |
3 |
Left bottom pose. |
4 |
Direct pose. |
5 |
Top direct pose. |
6 |
bottom direct pose. |
7 |
Right direct pose. |
8 |
Right top pose. |
9 |
Right bottom pose. |
10 |
Outside of left border. |
11 |
Outside of right border. |
12 |
Outside of top border. |
13 |
Outside of bottom border. |
Video Content Analytics API
Provides access to events generated during processing frames from camera.
Video Content Analytics (VCA) service uses Protobuf messages as format for interchange (look for VCA.proto
Service name: api-vca-service
Version: 1.1.
Content type of messages: application/vnd.com.smilart/api.vca.service/protobuf
Each request must be sent as RequestEnvelope
message with request
field set properly.
Each response is sent as ResponseEnvelope
message with response
field set according to request.
Each event is sent as EventEnvelope
message with event
field set according to type of event.
Defines envelope request messages from client.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
subscribe |
optional |
Request to subscribe to VCA events. |
Defines envelope response messages from service.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
subscribe |
optional |
Response to subscribe message. |
malformed_protobuf |
optional |
Protobuf in request was considered malformed. |
Defines envelope event messages.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
eos |
optional |
Eos occurred. |
frame |
optional |
The frame from camera has been processed. |
detect |
optional |
The face was detected on frame. |
correlation |
optional |
The face was correlated with person’s faces from base. |
identification |
optional |
Person was identified. |
Defines messages of the VCA event subscription protocol from the camera.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
Request for the subscription to VCA event stream from specified camera. The returned stream contains the events of particular kind if options field for event of this kind is set in request.
Response is Subscribe.Response.Subscribed
message if subscription is
successful, or other nested message of Subscribe.Response
if not.
Subscription expires after subscription_term_seconds
returned with response.
If there are no subscriptions to stream, the stream can be shut down (no events
will be sent to stream destination until new subscription to the stream).
Thus it requires repeat subscription request before subscription expires
to receive events longer than subscription_term_seconds
Each new subscription request resets term of subscription.
Serialization guarantees
All events about new frame arrival are sent exactly in the same order as frames arrive. All events about further processing of a frame are sent in the order processing happens.
Subscription cost
Doesn’t necessarily creates new event stream. The existing one may be used if exists.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
camera_pid |
required |
Camera identified by pid frames from where will be used in processing. |
frame_options |
optional |
Defines the content of event sent when new frame is about to be processed. If isn’t set, no such events will be sent |
detect_options |
optional |
Defines the content of event sent when face is found on a frame. If isn’t set, no such events will be sent. |
correlation_options |
optional |
Defines the content of event sent when correlation of face to base is finished. If isn’t set, no such events will be sent. |
identification_options |
optional |
Defines the content of event sent when person is identified on frame. If isn’t set, no such events will be sent. |
Response to subscription request.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
subscribed |
optional |
Subscription succeeded. |
no_camera |
optional |
Camera was not found. |
Means successful subscription.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
destination |
required |
Defines the destination, where events will be sent by the service.Destination definition protocol SHOULD be provided by the vendor implementation. |
subscription_term_seconds |
required |
A period of time in seconds from the time request is processed during which events will be sent. |
Subscription couldn’t be processed due to unavailability of the specified camera.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
camera_pid |
required |
Camera identifier from request. |
Send protobuf message was considered malformed.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
message |
required |
Readable details of that decision. |
Options of correlations.
Correlations are primarily debugging information that can be completely correct interpreted only by the vendor’s specialists and reflects the features of the currently used face recognition algorithm that may change in the future. Therefore, you SHOULD NOT make any conclusions based on the received coefficients, except for getting the top of the most similar persons in the database according to the current face recognition algorithm. |
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
max_persons |
optional |
Maximal number of persons to be added to correlation event (default is 1). |
A new frame has been received from the camera identified as camera_pid
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
id |
required |
Identifier of |
timestamp_ms |
optional |
The time when frame was received from camera in milliseconds.It can differ from the time frame was acquired by the camera.Corresponds to the server time and can be compared to other server time only. |
camera_pid |
required |
Identifier of the camera acquired the frame. |
image |
required |
Image of the frame.Provided graphics file format intentionally is not part of that specification and SHOULD be specified by the vendor implementation. |
meta |
repeated |
Additional information about the frame. Is not specified at the time. |
original_frame_meta |
repeated |
Stored metadata of original frame. |
Face has been found on frame from camera.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
id |
required |
Identifier of the |
timestamp_ms |
optional |
Server generated timestamp of event.Corresponds to the server time and can be compared to other server time only. |
passage_id |
required |
Identifier of a passage. The passage is a sequence of frames containing face of the same person. |
frame_id |
required |
Identifier of the frame detect was made on. |
face |
required |
Face details. |
Face has been correlated to the persons' photos from base.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
id |
required |
Identifier of |
timestamp_ms |
optional |
The time when correlation result was received in milliseconds.Corresponds to the server time and can be compared to other server time only. |
correlations |
repeated |
Correlation results to most similar persons. |
frame_id |
required |
Identifier of the |
detect_id |
required |
Identifier of the |
Person was identified on frame from camera.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
id |
required |
Identifier of the |
timestamp_ms |
optional |
The time when person was identified in milliseconds.Corresponds to the server time and can be compared to other server time only. |
correlation |
required |
Info about correlation between face from frame and photo of the identified person. |
threshold |
required |
Current threshold of identification. |
frame_id |
required |
Identifier of the |
detect_id |
required |
Identifier of the |
correlation_id |
required |
Identifier of the |
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
timestamp_ms |
optional |
The time when the end of stream was detected in milliseconds.Corresponds to the server time and can be compared to other server time only. |
Correlation of certain original face with person’s photo from base.
Correlations are primarily debugging information that can be completely correct interpreted only by the vendor’s specialists and reflects the features of the currently used face recognition algorithm that may change in the future. Therefore, you SHOULD NOT make any conclusions based on the received coefficients, except for getting the top of the most similar persons in the database according to the current face recognition algorithm. |
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
person_id |
required |
Identifier of person which face was correlated with original photo. |
photo_id |
required |
Identifier of person’s photo that fits best. |
correlation |
required |
Measure of similarity between original face and person’s photo from base. |
Face. Specifies original image as bounded context for inner structures. Specifies coordinate system in original image with origin that is placed in left top corner of original image. Specifies pixel as measuring unit in original image.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
face_coords |
required |
Face coordinates in original image. |
cut |
optional |
Face cut from original image. |
Face cut in some bounded context. Specifies cutted image as bounded context for inner structures. Specifies coordinate system inside cutted image with origin that is placed in left top corner of original image. Specifies pixel as measuring unit in cutted image.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
image |
required |
Image of face cut.Provided graphics file format intentionally is not part of that specification and SHOULD be specified by the vendor implementation. |
face_coords |
required |
Face coordinates on face cut. |
Coordinates of face elements in some bounded context.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
quad |
required |
Bounded quad where face is located. |
eyes |
optional |
Eye corner coordinates. |
Coordinates of outer (relative to the center of subject’s face) corners of subject’s eyes in some bounded context.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
left |
required |
Outer corner of left subject’s eye. |
right |
required |
Outer corner of right subject’s eye. |
Coordinates of quad in some bounded context. Specifies quad as new bounded context for inner structures. Specifies coordinate system inside quad with origin that is placed in its left top corner, x-axis oriented to the top right point, y-axis oriented to the bottom left point. Specifies pixel as measuring unit in quad.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
top_left |
required |
Top left point of quad in some bounded context. |
top_right |
required |
Top right point of quad in some bounded context. |
bottom_right |
required |
Bottom right point of quad in some bounded context. |
bottom_left |
required |
Bottom left point of quad in some bounded context. |
Storage of single key-value pair.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
name |
required |
Key of entry. |
value |
required |
Value of entry. |
2D geometry point. Coordinate system and measuring unit often provided by some bounded context.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
x |
required |
X-coordinate of point in measuring units. |
y |
required |
Y-coordinate of point in measuring units. |
Verification API
Implements verification scenario: is the person who stands in front of the camera a person from base.
Verification service uses Protobuf messages as format for interchange (look for Verification.proto
and VerificationEvent.proto
Service name: api-verification-service
Version: 1.2.
Content type of messages from Verification.proto
: application/vnd.com.smilart/api.verification.service/protobuf
Each request must be sent as RequestEnvelope
message with request
field set properly.
Each response is sent as ResponseEnvelope
message with response
field set according to request.
Content type of messages from VerificationEvent.proto
: application/vnd.com.smilart/api.verification.event.service/protobuf
Each event is sent as EventEnvelope
message with event
field set according to type of event.
Defines envelope request messages from client.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
verify |
optional |
Request to start of the verification process. |
subscribe |
optional |
Request to subscribe to verification events. |
Defines envelope response messages from service.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
verify |
optional |
Response to |
malformed_protobuf |
optional |
Protobuf in request was considered malformed. |
subscribe |
optional |
Response to |
Send protobuf message was considered malformed.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
message |
required |
Readable details of that decision. |
Defines messages of the verification process start protocol of the person from the camera.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
Request for the start of the verification process from specified camera of specified person. Verification process executed during the specified timeout by correlation faces from specified camera with photos of the specified person in base.
Handling concurrent verification requests
If there is already running verification process with specified camera, then service sends
message to the client that initiate running verification process and starts new verification process for client of incoming request from that camera of a new specified person. -
It is not recommended to setup environment in which access to the service with same camera parameters is provided for multiple, not synchronized clients.
Estimation of the timeout and prolongation of verification
It is supposed that client should find balance between two following strategies:
Setup small enough (up to few seconds) timeout and repeatedly send same requests with sufficiently accurate timings (in according to the timeout) in to service to prolong verification of the same person.
Setup big enough timeout (about ten seconds) and send only one request per verification.
First one gives more granularity for every verification attempt, more resistant to handling unexpected malfunctions and reduce utilization of computer resources, but client should be able to send more requests and some of them should be sent in parallel.
Second one is more simple for usage for client, but due to work with longer time intervals less resistant to handling unexpected malfunctions and may consume more computer resources than needed.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
camera_pid |
required |
Camera identified by pid frames from where would be used for verification. |
person_id |
required |
Person identified by id whose photos will be used for verification. |
verification_term_seconds |
required |
Term of verification process that will be started. |
id |
required |
Client generated identifier of verification of up to 128 UTF-8 characters. |
threshold_name |
optional |
Name of the predefined verification threshold in the vendor implementation. Case insensitive.If not set — verification process will be started with threshold selected by implementation.List of available names SHOULD be provided by the vendor implementation. ATTENTION!You set this field at your own risk. If you do, ask for professional help. |
abort_if_no_photos |
optional |
Option to interrupt the verification process if the person has no photos. |
Response to verification request
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
internal_request_id |
required |
Server generated identifier of processed request. |
verified |
optional |
Person was verified. |
not_verified |
optional |
Person was not verified. |
terminated |
optional |
Verification process was terminated. |
person_not_found |
optional |
Person was not found. |
no_camera |
optional |
Camera was not available. |
threshold_name_not_found |
optional |
Name of threshold was not found. |
aborted |
optional |
Verification process was aborted. |
Specified person was successfully verified by face during timeout.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
Specified person was not verified by face during timeout.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
Verification process of the specified person was started but was abruptly terminated before the expiration of timeout by another start request with the same camera pid.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
Verification process couldn’t be started due to absence of the specified person.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
Verification process couldn’t be started due to unavailability of the specified camera.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
Verification process couldn’t be started due to absence of the specified name of threshold.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
Verification process has been aborted.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
reason |
required |
Reason for the process interruption. |
Defines messages of the verification event subscription protocol from the camera.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
Request for the subscription to verification event stream from specified camera.
Provides capability for partial disclosure of internal state and actions of the verification algorithm by means of access to person verification related events such as receiving frames from camera, face detection results, correlation results, and etc.
that forms observable behavior of the service.
The returned stream contains the events of particular kind if options field for event of this kind is set in request.
Subscription expires after subscription_term_seconds
returned with response.
If there are no subscriptions to stream, the stream can be shut down (no events will be sent to stream destination until new subscription to the stream).
Thus it requires repeat subscription request before subscription expires to receive events longer than subscription_term_seconds
Each new subscription request resets term of subscription.
Serialization guarantees
All events about new frame arrival are sent exactly in the same order as original frames arrive from camera.
All events about further processing of a frame are sent in the order processing happens.
Verification process creates context within which continuous sequence of frames will be processed. If frame is processed in context of running verification than event about request that initiate that verification will be sent before first frame that was used for that verification.
event will be sent beforeLoggedResponse.VerifyResponse
event of that verification will be sent. -
After result of verification was sent in the corresponding
event no related events with request that initiate that verification will be sent.
Consistency and accuracy guarantees
Service doesn’t ought to be "Single source of truth" for results of verification and other events when been used by someone other than clients that requests verification of persons (e.g when non empty set of event subscribers presents). Finally, the decision of service - a person has been verified or not, can be obtained only by receiving corresponding response to a client verification request that initiate that verification, not by obtaining published event about that response via subscription functionality.
Since publishing of events is an additional functionality which based on partial (intentionally or due to circumstances) disclosure of internal state and actions of decision making algorithm of main verification functionality, all information retrieved by subscription should be considered as complementary and may be insufficient to make strong conclusions about system operation only on it (including for reasons beyond service control).
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
camera_pid |
required |
Camera identified by pid frames from where will be used for verification. |
frame_options |
optional |
Being set adds frame events to stream. |
detect_options |
optional |
Being set adds detect events to stream. |
correlation_options |
optional |
Being set adds correlation events to stream. |
request_options |
optional |
Being set adds events of verify requests to stream. |
response_options |
optional |
Being set adds events of verify response to stream. |
Logging options of face detects.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
Logging options of correlations.
Correlations are primarily debugging information that can be completely correct interpreted only by the vendor’s specialists and reflects the features of the currently used face recognition algorithm that may change in the future. Therefore, you SHOULD NOT make any conclusions based on the received coefficients, except for getting the top of the most similar photos in the database according to the current face recognition algorithm. |
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
max_photos |
optional |
Maximal number of photos to be added to correlation event (default is 1). |
Logging options of verify requests.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
Logging options of verify response.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
Response to subscription request.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
subscribed |
optional |
Subscription succeeded. |
no_camera |
optional |
Camera was not found. |
Subscription succeeded.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
destination |
required |
Defines the destination, where events will be sent by the service.Destination definition protocol SHOULD be provided by the vendor implementation. |
subscription_term_seconds |
required |
A period of time in seconds from the time request is processed during which events will be sent. |
Subscription couldn’t be processed due to unavailability of the specified camera.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
camera_pid |
required |
Camera identifier from request. |
Defines the reason of abort.
Name |
Number |
Description |
1 |
The person has no photos. |
Defines envelope event messages.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
eos |
optional |
Eos occurred. |
frame |
optional |
The frame from camera has been processed. |
face_detect |
optional |
The face was detected on frame. |
correlation |
optional |
The face was correlated with person’s faces from base. |
incoming_service_request |
optional |
The incoming request to the service was received. |
outgoing_service_response |
optional |
The outgoing response from the service was send. |
Frame event.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
timestamp_ms |
optional |
The time when frame was received from camera in milliseconds.It can differ from the time frame was acquired by the camera.Corresponds to the server time and can be compared to other server time only. |
id |
required |
Identifier of this frame event. |
internal_request_id |
optional |
Identifier of request in which context frame was processed. |
camera_pid |
required |
The camera identified by pid frame from which came. |
image |
required |
Image of the frame.Provided graphics file format intentionally is not part of that specification and SHOULD be specified by the vendor implementation. |
meta |
repeated |
Metadata of frame. |
original_frame_meta |
repeated |
Stored metadata of original frame. |
Face detect event.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
timestamp_ms |
optional |
Server generated timestamp of event.Corresponds to the server time and can be compared to other server time only. |
id |
required |
Identifier of this face detect event. |
internal_request_id |
required |
Identifier of request in which context face detect was processed. |
frame_id |
required |
Identifier of frame event which contains image where face was found. |
face |
required |
Face details. |
Correlation event.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
timestamp_ms |
optional |
Server generated timestamp of event.Corresponds to the server time and can be compared to other server time only. |
id |
required |
Identifier of this correlation event. |
internal_request_id |
required |
Identifier of request in which context correlation was processed. |
frame_id |
required |
Identifier of frame event which contains image where face that was used for correlation with person’s photos was found. |
face_detect_id |
required |
Identifier of face detect event which contains face that was used for correlation with person’s photos. |
correlations |
repeated |
Info on correlation to most similar person photos. |
"End of stream" event. Special event to indicate that no events will appear in the stream until new subscription request. This event can occur at any time when server decides to close the stream (e.g. if camera events belong to is gone). If client still need the stream, a new Subscribe.Request can be sent.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
timestamp_ms |
optional |
Server generated timestamp of event. |
Defines messages about logged incoming request to the service from client.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
internal_request_id |
required |
Server generated identifier of incoming request. |
timestamp_ms |
optional |
Server generated timestamp of event.Corresponds to the server time and can be compared to other server time only. |
verify |
optional |
Verify request came in service. |
Request for the start of the verification process from specified camera of specified person.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
person_id |
required |
Person identified by id whose photos will be used for verification. |
camera_pid |
required |
Camera identified by pid frames from where would be used for verification. |
verification_term_seconds |
required |
Term of verification process that will be started. |
client_request_id |
required |
Client generated identifier of verification of up to 128 UTF-8 characters. |
threshold_name |
optional |
Verification threshold name if setup by client in request. |
threshold |
optional |
Verification threshold if system could define it from the request. |
abort_if_no_photos |
optional |
Interruption settings if the system could define them from the request. |
Defines messages about logged outcoming response from the service to incoming client request.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
internal_request_id |
required |
Server generated identifier of incoming request. |
timestamp_ms |
optional |
Server generated timestamp of event.Corresponds to the server time and can be compared to other server time only. |
verify |
optional |
Response to Verify request was send. |
Response to the start of the verification process from specified camera of specified person.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
verified |
optional |
Person was verified. |
not_verified |
optional |
Person was not verified. |
terminated |
optional |
Verification process was terminated. |
person_not_found |
optional |
Person was not found. |
failure |
optional |
Verification process was abruptly stopped. |
threshold_name_not_found |
optional |
Name of threshold was not found. |
Person was verified.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
verified_correlation |
required |
Info about correlation between face from frame and photo of the verified person. |
threshold |
required |
Current verification threshold. |
frame_id |
required |
Identifier of frame event got from camera on which person was verified. |
face_detect_id |
required |
Identifier of face detect event face from which was verified. |
correlation_id |
required |
Identifier of correlation event which leads to successful verification of person. |
Verification process was terminated by another request.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
Person was not found in base.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
Name of threshold was not found.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
Started verification process was abruptly stopped and it’s impossible to get a result.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
message |
required |
Human-readable error message. |
Storage of single key-value pair.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
name |
required |
Key of entry. |
value |
required |
Value of entry. |
Correlation of certain original photo with person’s photo from base.
Correlations are primarily debugging information that can be completely correct interpreted only by the vendor’s specialists and reflects the features of the currently used face recognition algorithm that may change in the future. Therefore, you SHOULD NOT make any conclusions based on the received coefficients, except for getting the top of the most similar photos in the database according to the current face recognition algorithm. |
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
photo_id |
required |
Identifier of person’s photo from base. |
correlation |
required |
Measure of similarity between original face and person’s photo from base. |
Face. Specifies original image as bounded context for inner structures. Specifies coordinate system in original image with origin that is placed in left top corner of original image. Specifies pixel as measuring unit in original image.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
face_coords |
required |
Face coordinates in original image. |
cut |
optional |
Face cut from original image. |
Face cut in some bounded context. Specifies cutted image as bounded context for inner structures. Specifies coordinate system inside cutted image with origin that is placed in left top corner of original image. Specifies pixel as measuring unit in cutted image.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
image |
required |
Image of face cut.Provided graphics file format intentionally is not part of that specification and SHOULD be specified by the vendor implementation. |
face_coords |
required |
Face coordinates on face cut. |
Coordinates of face elements in some bounded context.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
quad |
required |
Bounded quad where face is located. |
eyes |
optional |
Eye corner coordinates. |
Coordinates of outer (relative to the center of subject’s face) corners of subject’s eyes in some bounded context.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
left |
required |
Outer corner of left subject’s eye. |
right |
required |
Outer corner of right subject’s eye. |
Coordinates of quad in some bounded context. Specifies quad as new bounded context for inner structures. Specifies coordinate system inside quad with origin that is placed in its left top corner, x-axis oriented to the top right point, y-axis oriented to the bottom left point. Specifies pixel as measuring unit in quad.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
top_left |
required |
Top left point of quad in some bounded context. |
top_right |
required |
Top right point of quad in some bounded context. |
bottom_right |
required |
Bottom right point of quad in some bounded context. |
bottom_left |
required |
Bottom left point of quad in some bounded context. |
2D geometry point. Coordinate system and measuring unit often provided by some bounded context.
Field |
Type |
Label |
Description |
x |
required |
X-coordinate of point in measuring units. |
y |
required |
Y-coordinate of point in measuring units. |
Scalar Value Types
.proto Type |
Notes |
C++ Type |
Java Type |
Python Type |
double |
double |
float |
float |
float |
float |
Uses variable-length encoding. Inefficient for encoding negative numbers – if your field is likely to have negative values, use sint32 instead. |
int32 |
int |
int |
Uses variable-length encoding. Inefficient for encoding negative numbers – if your field is likely to have negative values, use sint64 instead. |
int64 |
long |
int/long |
Uses variable-length encoding. |
uint32 |
int |
int/long |
Uses variable-length encoding. |
uint64 |
long |
int/long |
Uses variable-length encoding. Signed int value. These more efficiently encode negative numbers than regular int32s. |
int32 |
int |
int |
Uses variable-length encoding. Signed int value. These more efficiently encode negative numbers than regular int64s. |
int64 |
long |
int/long |
Always four bytes. More efficient than uint32 if values are often greater than 2^28. |
uint32 |
int |
int |
Always eight bytes. More efficient than uint64 if values are often greater than 2^56. |
uint64 |
long |
int/long |
Always four bytes. |
int32 |
int |
int |
Always eight bytes. |
int64 |
long |
int/long |
bool |
boolean |
boolean |
A string must always contain UTF-8 encoded or 7-bit ASCII text. |
string |
String |
str/unicode |
May contain any arbitrary sequence of bytes. |
string |
ByteString |
str |